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Wednesday, 29 June 2016


 Turning Dreams to Realities.

Many people dream of achieving financial independence and feel that it's unattainable owing to the present economic hardship right here in our nation Nigeria. They think one has to win a lottery to achieve that seemingly impossible goal. They do not envision that their dream of achieving financial independence can be molded in their own very hand with the right opportunities and they are the masters of their financial destiny. This has long crippled the major part of the Nigeria population leaving many to assume that some individuals are meant to be better than some others. 

Just as the candle of hope seemed to fade away a strong ray of hope came along. YES!!!  MMM Nigeria was birthed at that point where hopes was almost thrown away giving a level playing ground for every single individual in this Nation to be able to turn their financial dreams into realities.  Without missing words MMM Nigeria has come as a blessing and great relive to our nations fast degrading economy. As guides on this great platform saddled with the responsibility of helping each individual realize this depth of financial freedom.  I would ask. How do we as leaders sustain this beautiful opportunity to change or financial world, not leaving anyone behind. Let's not be quick to forget that with great power comes greater responsibility. I would first and foremost charge each guider to seat, meditate and digest the core IDEOLOGY of MMM Nigeria, which in turn would be easily passed across to other MMM Nigeria participants.  Understanding the fact that MMM Nigeria is irrelevant without people coming together constantly.

Passion, consistency and commitment in upholding and teaching this ideology would determine how long this community of helpers would stand. We must also understand that our success is rested on the success of the entire community, information is power.
Shine a light of financial freedom on this nation by your daily actions and rebirth the financial sustainability of our dear nation, Nigeria
                 FINANCIAL LIBERTY.

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